Tim Burton's Corpse Bride carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of his classic Edward Scissorhands and Tim Burtons' The Nightmare Before Christmas. Set in a 19th-centry European village, this stop-motion animated feature follows hte story of Victor (voiced by Johnny Depp), a young man whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysetrious Corpse Bride (voiced by Helena Bonham Carter), while his real life bride Vicgtory (voiced by Emily Wtson) waits bereft in the land of the living. Though life in the Land of the Dead proves to be a lot more colourful than his strict upbringing, Vicotr learns that there is noting in this world - or the next - that can keep him away from his one true love. It's a tale of optimism, romance and a very lively afterlife, told in classic Burton style.