
Set in the near future, this provocative adventure/thriller poses a situation in which Russian rebels take over one of the ICBM bases in the USSR. Alarmed by the prospect of a rebel strike, the U.S. sends the U.S.S. Alabama, a nuclear ballistic submarine, to watch over the base and retaliate in case they launch. While on patrol, the submarine is attacked and the radio systems are knocked out. An emergency message received during the battle is only partially recovered, and seems as if it may be an order to launch missiles at the rebels. Captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman) believes it to be such an order, while the new Executive Officer Hunter (Denzel Washington) wants to wait for a confirmation message before taking such drastic action. The conflict escalates into mutiny as Ramsey and Hunter battle for control of the Alabama's nuclear missiles.

Film details

Tony Scott
Production year:
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